Author: Dr. Dinesh Chauhan
Published by: Philosia Publication (Dr.Urvi Chauhan)
Dimension (In Inches): 8.50" by 5.50"(Approx), Softbound, Stitched.
Pages: 119
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About the book: A real jewel and satisfaction behind a successful homoeopathic practice lies in providing a holistic (wholistic) healing to a diseased patient. A key for such practice lies in having a sound understanding upon What constitutes Whole in Health and in Disease, thus touching the root or core as we as homoeopaths always yearn for.
This book is all about understanding the "whole" human being step-by-step and reaching the deepest core. It provides guidelines in understanding what constitutes the Whole in Health thus making it easy to follow its deviated form in Disease. The scientific correlation of the idea with the various universal laws and the latest developments in physics described in this book is the real charm of the journey as it not only makes the entire ride a very interesting one for its reader but also gives a firm footage to the narrated ideas.
Benefits of such deeper understanding of human core in practice is seen as a long term deeper healing produced in a patient besides subjective relief at their mind, body levels; these are well demonstrated as documented cases at the end of the book.
This book is a reflection of his journey into the filed of homoeopathy so far understanding a human is concerned, a dive in the ocean himself, where Dinesh shares his learning experiences, it yearns to navigate those who wish to take a dive in the ocean of homoeopathy.
"In homeopathy there are many inspired and intelligent practitioners, great authors and great teachers. In some cases all of these qualities come together in one individual. Dinesh Chauhan is one of those. With great clarity he can reduce complex matters to a simplicity that signifies he masters the subject." Harry van der Zee
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- International Homeopathic Links
- Homeopathy in Practice (The journal of Alliance of Registered Homoeopaths)
- Jounal The American Homeopath
- Homeopathic Horizon
- Homoeopathic Heritage
- web portal
- Etc..
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German Publisher: Narayana Verlag
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Bulgarian Publisher: HomeoHelp Publishers
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