From Dinu's Diary

Be a tourist …

  • At your home.
  • With your ordinary space.
  • Your lane, town city all familiar things around you.
  • In your Healing space (Clinic)…
  • With your familiar method. (Case-taking method)
  • with your fav tools  (books/remedies)
  • With all things where you go on autopilot mode.


Make Ordinary  EXTRAORDINARY experience. 

Make you see  EXTRAORDINARY in Patients' journey.

Make you witness, Extra(ordinary) in your routine daily methods.

Make you see, Extra(ordinary) in remedy.

Happiness is… Being a Tourist IN Ordinary daily space to make it Extra-ordinary.

Some photos from my cycling today, 7 Km around my house.

Deep Healing hug 



Today on Environmental day on bike in search for a  book and breakfast reached THE LIBRARY CAFE WHERE FOUND the book 'SHERLOCK UNLOCKED'

and first, the quote “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact” made me think, this is what. happens when we have two dimensional, fix, autopilot approach from fix system as many times Watsons does on the crime scene with the first clue, in our search for Peculiar and remedy in an interview. 

we actually need  System Homes which is integrative, inclusive, and multidimensional looking at a pivotal points. 

attaching this small video and hope you like it. 

Happy world environmental day.

Healing hug 



Today on Environmental day on bike in search for a  book and breakfast reached THE LIBRARY CAFE WHERE FOUND the book 'SHERLOCK UNLOCKED'

and first, the quote “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact” made me think, this is what. happens when we have two dimensional, fix, autopilot approach from fix system as many times Watsons does on the crime scene with the first clue, in our search for Peculiar and remedy in an interview. 

we actually need  System Homes which is integrative, inclusive, and multidimensional looking at a pivotal points. 

attaching this small video and hope you like it. 

Happy world environmental day.

Healing hug 


“You must ace and feel the internal nature of your patient as the artist sees and feels the picture he is painting. He feels it…
You must penetrate into the inner recesses of symptoms; the very life of the patient must be opened and laid bare…
A piano tuner has restored harmony to a piano; has added nothing to it, nor taken anything from It; yet has restored it to harmony.”
Keep feeling the internal nature of the patient like an artist… by penetrating into the inner recesses… harmony will restore with effortless energy in the Similimum field.


That’s one of the great things about photography and homeopathic Medicine.
You can show a photograph/ give a homeopathic Remedy to 10 people and all will have different intensities of the way they think, feel, perceive, sense, and react according to their unique inner design.
And beauty is more than unique design matching with you, the deeper healing effect it will have on you.
Keep perceiving yourself, your patients, your remedies, and the world around you in a unique, individualist, and holistic way, and keep healing by matching that uniqueness.


With my daily practice of calling one student and talking I called one and during the conversation he asked, am I not too late in finding my individualistic path of healing, I am in my thirties.
Came home and started my daily rituals of the last 21 years of reading one hour before sleeping, a habit that made me who I am today.
Straggly this is what came up today,
“Imagine you are twenty-two… trained in the field of graphic design… switch to publication house.
One day you wake up realizing that this is not the life you had imagined for yourself.
You ask yourself, what it is I wanted to be and the bold voice says, a film director.
Your heart pumps up when you fantasize about it.
Your life as a student of filmmaking starts at thirty whereas other starts at twenty.
You collect a team of amateurs to make the first film but no money.
Finally, at age of thirty-four, you make your first film, almost ten years later than the ones who ruled the film industry at that time.
You will be surprised that you are not all late, in fact, you go on to become one of the most iconic filmmakers of the world.
This journey which I just shared is that of legendary filmmaker, SATYAJIT RAY. The film, PATHER PANCHALI, the first of ray, was shot with a bunch of amateurs with several hitches. And went on to become one of the greatest pictures ever made.
Happy world book a day and remember Satyajit ray on this death anniversary.
Keep reading to come closer to your inner unique designer path and nothing will matter once you are ready with your Pather Panchali(song of the little road) song of your inner being.

Today got up early, waiting for the sun to come to do my daily ritual of taking one photo of Sun. 

While waiting… Looking at the Mobile screen on my phone, saw the memory of today and a photo of me in Hahnemann’s Nursury school where on the gate it is written, ‘Sapere Aude

and This is what came in this Alone blissful morning space today. 

A phrase originated with the-ancient  Poet Horace…  in the poem as 

Dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet; sapere aude, incipe. ("He who has begun is half done; dare to know; begin!")

A phrase was later embraced by the philosopher Kant and our master and ultimately became the motto for the entire Enlightenment period, an intellectual revolution where reason was emphasized over tradition. 

Sapere Aude: dare to know”, also is loosely translated as “Have the courage to use your own reason”, "Dare to know things", or even more loosely as "Dare to be wise". 

As a Holistic Homeopathic healer, the concept of sapere aude has been my North star. 

Whether it was working as a homeopath, as an artist, developing the concept of the ‘case witnessing process’,  The Right Brain approach in Homeopathy or Integrativenutrition Holistic Approach in plants,—Sapere Aude has always encouraged me to ask  What, why, how come and what if. To keep putting Integrative Multidimensional holistic steps with a depth of desire to know with wisdom. 

Sapere Aude has been so powerful in us Homeopaths' life that it not only in appeared on the first page of the Organon of Medicine (1810,1819,1824,1829,1833,1922) but motivated us to walk on Holistic Healing. 

Let’s keep walking on the path of Sapere Aude as ancient  Poet Horace suggested by 

walking on this path of Holistic Healing with Knowing that ‘He who has begun is half done; dare to know; begin!" 

Bring Revolution in yourself, science, and Healing art as done during ‘the enlightenment period starting with Kant…

And create your own path of Holistic Healing, case taking, life with Sapere Aude as done by our master giving us ‘The medicine of Experience’ based on science. 

Deep healing Hug 🫂 to celebrate our master's birthday with Sapere Aude in our hearts. 

By the time I finish writing this, my wife came in the room to go to the balcony for her yoga and told me, to look at the sun!!!. 

I grab my camera and clicked this photo with Sapere Aude in the background and master's energy in the air this is what came up. 

Okay now I go for my walk and you enjoy being in this space and learning from various masters today who are coming together and sharing the depth of their Sapere Aude path today. 

“In order to perceive what is to be observed in patients, we should direct all our thoughts upon the matter we have in hand, come out of ourselves, (as it were), and attach ourselves, (so to speak,) with all our powers of concentration upon it, in order that nothing that is actually present, that has to do with the subject, and that can be ascertained by the senses, may escape us.

" -Dr.Hahnemann in "The Medical Observer"


Happy birthday master

Sapere Aude


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A bicycle in blissful alone space is the key.
If you’ve ever ridden a bicycle, you’ll know that it’s almost impossible to maintain balance when it’s perfectly still.
You first have to gather momentum by gently leaning forward and pedaling. Then, if you want to turn left or right, you have to shift your balance. But if you lean too heavily to one side, you’ll topple over. You need to keep adjusting your center of gravity to keep the bike upright. In other words, moving forward requires focus and constant counterbalance.
The same is the story of learning homeopathy, taking cases balancing art and science, balancing our personal professional space.
Photos from yesterday’s bike, book, breaks fast in alone space.
Big healing hug
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Words of wisdom from JAMES TYLER KENT
Dear Homeopath
“You must ace and feel the internal nature of your patient as the artist sees and feels the picture he is painting. He feels it…
You must penetrate into the inner recesses of symptoms; the very life of the patient must be opened and laid bare…
A piano tuner has restored harmony to a piano; has added nothing to it, nor taken anything from It; yet has restored it to harmony.”
Keep feeling the internal nature of the patient like an artist… by penetrating into the inner recesses… harmony will restore with effortless energy in the Similimum field.
Deep healing hug


Homeopath carries both left and right brain thinking with him at every stage of case taking philosophy and his life.
He develops theories, sharpens concepts, and consolidates ideas of it. At the same time, he merges science and instinct.
He is like a martial artist.
Martial artists learn exact moves and practice endlessly, but when it comes to actual practice, where the body moves like water, almost instinctively, where punches and dodges become part of the reflexes.
like martial artist Homeopath homeopath merges science and instinct in case taking, selecting tools, selecting remedy becomes part of his artistic natural reflex.
Deep healing hug


Homeopathic student to My Master',
“Why do you do integrative Holistic approach then time tested Two dimensional, one book, one master one book approach” you are almost Gambling with your approach?
To which my master replied,
“To a frog that's never left his pond, the ocean seems like a gamble. Look what he's giving up: security, mastery of his world, recognition!
The ocean frog just shakes his head. "I cannot really explain what it's like where I live, but someday I will take you there."
Some pictures of the Frog from walks in the woods in the monsoon.
“Come come! Come Out!
From bogs, old frogs command the dark
and look...the stars”- Japanese Haiku
Deep healing hug to experience integrative Holistic Healing principles in case taking, in reading philosophy, and it your life.
Before I put myself back together to my original design- my original healthy home,
With help of my Holistic healer,
In Similimum-field,
With Similimum,
I spend time amongst ruins... a broken and magnificent place,
Where I got to visit all broken parts of me,
To see all pieces of me
together in a single whole.
And finally, see the original HOUSE 🏡 WHICH I didn’t know existed before these ruins.
A deep healing hug to keep visiting Similimum home with minimum field.
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Yesterday night I was reading about 

Music and 'The Last Hours of Mozart' painted By the Russian painter Henry Nelson O'Neil ( 1817- Russia - 1880 - UK )

A beautiful way to depict the Last hours. With The Similimum music close to your heart, friends and student who create that musical field and share that Similimum field. What a way to go. 

Today morning heard about Robin Murthy, and was told, he was surrounded by his wife, close students, during the last days and hours of his life and I am sure the way we know him also with Homeopathy, alternative Medicine and spirituality( Indian poet Kabir) fields which were close to his heart. 

Julian Winston - Author of The Faces of Homeopathy & The Heritage of Homeopathic Literature.” Writes, 

“Murphy was one of the earliest seminar teachers and is responsible for introducing many people to homoeopathy.

 His teaching style has been described as ‘laid-back’ and he brings clarity to the interrelation between philosophy, materia medica, and repertory work”.

This Laid- Back teaching comes deep Balance within him of Homeopathy, other alternative Medicine (Oriental Medicine, Tai Chi and Qigong (Chi Kung), philosophy and spirituality especially Indian master like Kabir. 


Will keep your gift of ‘laid-back’ integrative Holistic approach in witnessing, searching and understanding remedies and teaching.

RIP Robin Murphy, i am sure you will be laid-back with the Holistic healing legacy you living behind. 


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Tell me what SONG 🎧 you played on repeat.
In different stages of you your life
In different situations of you ur life.
In different part of your subconscious
In your illness
In extreme crisis of you yr life.
With that SONG 🎧 will bring you back to your original unmodified healing song.
Patient to me in witnessing field,
“Dear Holistic Healer, my unique song will tell you much more than my words, illness, emotions, situations alone ever.
Do tune to my inner music this a unique radio frequency, the song is single and unique🎶.
With this, you will match my unique remedy with ease. “
Thank you for reminding me
Deep healing hug
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Similimum remembers me
I left my home (Original design) so long ago now
that I would not recognize my own face.
I constructed the Boat of My Life
and I set out
into the open sea,
waving to all who knew
that the seas would give me
everything I could handle
and everything I could not.
And yet they waved, and I set out
into the open sea
in the Boat of My Life:
built from Soul, crafted by Heart,
and with great innocence I pushed off
into the open sea
and have been away from my home
so long now that I would not recognize my own face
but I know that (Similimum) ,
(Similimum )
remembers me.
Poem by em Claire
Similimum has brought me back to myself.
Keep coming home with similimum.
Deep healing hug
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My master to me,
If someone tells you there is but one way to take the case, one way to find Similimum or one way to read remedy, be wary.
They have a method/system or technique that works for them, and you should always listen to what they have to say - after all, the essence of being an integrative Holistic Homeopath is to be open to the full richness of the paths and methods around us.
But if they say,
‘This is the way it must be done, ‘ listen with caution.
Take their words as a reflection of their confidence in their own method but don't allow them to distort your own unique vision or control your own search for the unique designer holistic healing path based on your unique individualistically holistic design.
Thank you master for this learning yet for keeping me close to my individuality.
Deep healing hug
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Take one more case.

Homoeopath expressed, “I am scared of failure”.
Master replied, “ Take one more case.”
And if I fail.
“Take one more and one more after that” replied the Master.

He continued, “True artists get stuff done – they ship. How many of Picasso’s paintings can you name? Two? Three? He painted over 1000 works of art. That is the nature of artists; they produce.
Artists don’t worry about having bad ideas that turn into failures, because they know that as long as they persistently produce art good ideas will be made.
The fact that some failures are produced is an inevitable cost of success.
Go now and take one more case”

Happy birthday Picasso and thank you for being a true example of being in the moment and creating art with both science and art as you did with your unique cubic art pattern.

Deep healing hug

Two approach

1. The first one made with focus on part/ on system but without soul, without the Whole, without healer and patients INTENTIONS. In this case, you may have mastery of technique, focusing only on part/method. One day the whole method, approach will become a routine and He and patient both have no way forward at whole level. Both are not growing.
2. The second one is done with Whole, with individually and holistic similimum field, Where Homeopaths INTENSION is transformed while doing case witnessing, giving similimum, giving patient centric homeopathic counseling.

Keep treating in this NEW NORMAL PANDEMIC TIME WITH Deep INTENTIONS, Exact similimum field, homeopathic patient centric counselling to help them sail through these pandemic crisis.
While treating keep this intention similimum field around u to keep yourself healthy.

Deep healing hug to have such INTENSION and stay safe.


Keep lifting the curtain of PERSONALITY-altered self/THE other song/disease...

to come back to your original unmodified designer's unique INDIVIDUALITY

with creating SIMILIMUM FIELD on Integrative Holistic Homeopathic Principles. 

A big healing hug to move from PERSONALITY TO INDIVIDUAL ITY.

There is no denying that there is a disease, disturbances, darkness at the local, whole, as well as pandemic levels. 


As said by Ken Poirot, “Light can devour the darkness but darkness cannot consume the light”.

If the healing light is created in a bow-like Similimum field, with the arrow of Similimum, as a universal rule this bow-arrow always conquers the dark disease energy not only at the local but universal whole level by healing destroying disease within outward. 

Happy Dushera with the Similimum field to become aware of the inner disease. 

Small Similimum Bow-arrow field art for today.

Deep healing hug 


Dear Carl Gustav Jung, 
Thank you to teach us that when you witness a case, 
“Know all the theories, master, all the techniques, but as you touch a human soul be just another human soul.” 
We do try to follow the Human-centric approach in our case taking and in philosophy. 
When we meet our patient, 
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”
We meet By creating an UNCONDITIONAL SIMILIMUM FIELD  in case witnessing space WHERE healer is like a mirror and end of our case witnessing both are transformed to next level. 
And this advice, 
“The therapist must view each patient and each case as something new, unique, wonderful, and exceptional. Only then will they be closer to the truth” 
We holistic homeopathic healer will keep and keep this advice in our heart, 
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carl Gustav Jung. 
A deep healing hug to attract such patient, master, the friend where on that space both of you transform the next level of awareness.


I want to witness integrative, holistic multidimensional vision to heal at the whole level.

“It is not time tasted”, said fixed dogma within and outside loudly.

“It’s impossible, “ said the knowledge with authority.

“It’s pointless,” said the logically trained mind within and around BACK BY WIKI.

“GIVE IT A TRY,” whispered the HEART".



Everything starts and ends at same point.
In the end, lies the seed of beginning.
In Autumn lies seeds of Spring.
In the middle of chaos lies clarity.
In the Centre of disease lies the seed of cure( health/healing/awareness.



Homeopathic practice and teaching: A VOCATION

Homeopathic practice and teaching: VOCATION: a vacation in the profession.

Homeopathy practice which is like Vocation-guides both patient and healer towards holistic health.

Passionate homeopath views his healing job as VOCATION and not just as a profession. Vocation has a vacation in the profession. A profession that is a practice like a vacation. Left brain activity which has the right brain effortlessness in it.

Those who see homeopathic healing job as Vocation sees work of homeopathic healing as rewards in itself. These people care about money, but it’s not why they show up every morning.

They do their jobs because they love them, they grow with it. Every case, every learning brings that intense choiceless joy that no holidays alone can bring.

Keep practicing and motivating others to do integrative holistic homeopathy where your work becomes your vacation.

A deep hug from that junction.

Connecting with creativity .... in alone lockdown space pandemic space.

In a situation that mirrors our own today, Newton was forced to practice the social-distancing twice during his time epidemic of that time early in his life.

While many of us are struggling to adapt to the new and uncertain challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak, Newton thrived in his period of isolation,

It was during this time, from his chamber at Woolsthorpe, that Newton conducted his famous prism experiment.

Also visible from his chamber — stood the now-legendary apple tree.

While the story of the apple falling on his head is likely apocryphal, it is thought that Newton would gaze out of his window at the tree while formulating his law of gravity.

Sigmund Freud turned a room in his London home into a sanctuary filled with books and objects to stimulate his mind.

Our own sanctuaries don’t have to be lake houses or entire rooms.

A desk at home, a seat in a favorite room, particular angle in balcony, even a playlist that puts us in the zone will do the trick.

And we have both science and philosophy at our disposal.

For me it is my balcony... sharing some photos from this space of prism of colour and law of gravity.

Deep healing hug

Just one drop
Wen you Feel it, you heal it.
Drop by drop... I (similimum)...find a home in you!

the present pandemic situation, lock down state, your anxieties, depression, business worries)

Drop by drop I will (similimum) fall
On your body and soul And find a home in you!

Some time it just take one drop, JUST ONE DROP TO SEE WHOLE TRUTH.

Today’s picture of ONE DROP IN MY BALCONY, after my wife put water to plants just before starting my patient.

Hug with depth of one drop.

Dear Similimum

Can I get a hug please...?

It's been a long since I have been at home... my inner home even thought I am at Home since long now.

Can I get a hug please...?

And even though it is just one hug, it is enough to lift more dark, create similimum field of healing.

I know I know it is social distancing and lock down.

But you know that your hug is the one which allowed as close as possible.

Your hug my similimum is one I am looking for,

to feel at home,

make other feel at home

Your hug is hope in disguise.

Your hug can cure almost everything, by creating healing field.

Can I get a hug please...?

Deep healing hug with similimum touch. Keep helping others to come close to their remedy.

Pictures from balcony of this week.


as within as outside

Aware person whether locked in house or outside, in dark or in light, with pattern or form, within or outside... he carries his inner home 🏠 with him.

But rumi reminded me,
One of the marvels of the world is
the sight of a soul sitting in prison ( locked down state) with the (master) key in its hand!

Deep healing hug to help you to find master key within and help others to find key within them in your home space.

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Lost - today, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever. But it have glimpse of my inner being in this alone blissful lock up state.

Get outside tmrw in your home space. Watch the sunrise. Watch the sunset.

How does that make you feel?

I am sure whole watching it will give you glimpse of U, your design, your unique meaning in this alone blissful lock up state.

Deep healing hug to witness sunrise and sunset to find ur own deep unique meaning.

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Join like drop of water... drop by drop... leave mark on heart.

When a stagnated drop of water touches a drop of water there is no holding back - it joins.
Water responds to water.
It’s the same principle.... when person who is locked within and aware.... touches energy of other similar person....

they respond to each other....

they heal each other according to law of cure.

Universal sun ☀ like energy is there to create similimum field.

Let be like a drop of water on a rock. After drip, drip, dripping in the same place ( as we are locked within) , soon we will begin to leave a mark, and leave my mark in many people's hearts.


Deep healing hug to join with one similar energy.... to leave healing mark in their heart.
Today’s picture

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You only live once

As said, “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough” - (Mae West) 


“A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside”. ( Denis waitley), 

we only live once in life time in such unexpected pandemic alone crazy space, but if you do it right, 

once is enough to transform and heal at whole level, look outside others are at widow and waiting to see window within, your widow within will help to have similimum healing effect. 

Deep healing hug To have that similimum window effect. 

One remedy and different design.

That’s one of the great things about photograph and homeopathic Medicne. You can show a photograph/ give a homeopathic Remedy to 10 people and all will feel perceive sense and react accordingly their inner holistic design you will have 10 different design of perceiving it.”

Deep healing hug and keep perceiving this Alone blissful space in your unique way to spread healing energy all around.


You be the dream catcher.

Catch the individualistic and pandemic disturbed disease energy...

Catch the of SIMILIMUM FIELD... holistic healing energy....

Unite both of them in dream you THE DREAM CATCHER.

Holistic pandemic healing will happen.


Be the dream catcher.

Today’s click

Within you is the light of a thousand suns.” (Robert Adams). Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.” (Maya Angelou) “If light is in your heart, you will find your way home 🏠 .” (Rumi)... WITHIN HOME 🏠 - with LIGHT 💡 WITHIN.

healing hug to find thousand sun energy within... to shine within... within HOME... with LIGHT WITHIN.

Have lovely Sunday within home... with shine within.

SOL (soul) FUL connection.

Artists inspire each other! And to be connected soul (SOL)fully is the ultimate feeling that we can ever experience ! in our Alone-blissful space in time of pandemic isolation like this is a bliss.

Art work in this space: soul connection.

Photo of today morning (13 April 2020) from balcony.

Deep healing to  inspire Aristide within you in this beautiful space.

Alone blissful space and our masters birthday, it brings art and science together and created deep vocation space.

Last seven days spend in making some Art, photos related to homeopathy. Sharing with you some of them. one pill, antique bottle , Dinu’s medicine kit, Dinu’s own pharmacy, House of holistic healing and witnessing with source and becoming source were special.

Also today while teaching on online course shared my NEW PLANT WEBSITE which covers integrative holistic multidimensional approach in plants remedy, tribe, subfamily, family, higher order, clade with respect to holistic master, trinity, organ affinity, miasm Mythology and other aspect to look from multidimensional aspect. It also include special plants like sacred, carnivorous, for infection, for cancers and others special group.

Moment I finish my lecture my daughter gifted two cards to me and Urvi for Hahnemann day, her sensitivity touched our heart.

Words of master close to my heart.

No portrait painter was ever so careless as to pay no attention to the marked peculiarities in the features of the person he wished to make a likeness of,
—or to consider it sufficient to make any sort of a pair of round holes below the forehead by way of eyes, between them to draw a long-shaped thing directed downwards, always of the same shape, by way of a nose, and beneath this to put a slit going across the face, that should stand for the mouth of this or of any other person; 
—no painter, I say, ever went about delineating human faces in such a rude and slovenly manner;
—no naturalist ever went to work in this fashion in describing any natural production;
—such was never the way in which any zoologist, botanist, or mineralogist acted.
The Medical Observer by Samuel Hahnemeann

Sharing some of this art work and card by my daughter.

Deep healing hug and have deep alone time.

When aware person is
Anchored at Home,
he makes his
home and ihhner home
Center of his universe.

Universal ‘Law of direction of cure’ I can see.

When I woke up today morning Three THINGS TOUCH ME.



Third thing came in mind is, LAW OF ‘DIRECTION OF holistic CURE’

Cure STARTS from Center to circumference, writhin outword... more important organ( place) to less important organ ( place)
and END in reverse order of its apprearace.

Suddenly all three connected.

Cure in Center of this pandemic has started.... this is definetly a first flower of the spring... now if our law of direction of cure is universal, the whole spring ( change) will come in Reverse order of its apprearce.

I know it is just first flower.... but experience of thousands of years says that SPRING DO COME AFTER AFTER FIRST HINT.

Just can’t wait for the whole spring.

As they say,

"The deep roots never doubt spring will come."

Deep healing hug with touch of first flower of SPRING to make u see feel touch perceive and sense the spring.


Our life is like a box of color. Most people are the 8 color boxes, but what you’re really looking for are the 64 color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myself to be a 64 color box, though I’ve got many of them missing.

It’s okay though because I’ve got some more vibrant colors like PERIWINKLE at my disposal.

there are so many different colors of life, feeling, perception, imagination, etc. So when I meet someone who’s an 8 color type… I’m like, hey girl, Magenta! and she’s like, oh, you mean purple! and she goes off on her purple thing, and I’m like, no I want Magenta!”

Life is about using the whole box of crayons.”

As they say, An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it and together it creates a more healthy space.

I was reading...
“ in our most intimate moment, as new human life emerges from the old, viruses are essential for our survival there is no us and they - just a gratually blending and shifting mix of DNA. “

Our beginning in uterus starts in collaboration with viruses.

Just that they got crazy, inappropriate (Diseased) now.

Each one of us If stay in this Alone-bliss space and let our holistic healthy design bring our best ART FORM, I am convinced this will have SIMILIMUM effect like universal SIMILIMUM in us and every thing around us. A UNIVERAL GINNIE SIMILIMUM.

As virus 🦠 needs medium to spread and now with this pandemic fear phychosis have created perfect pandemic plateform for them to grow.

Let’s created PANDEMIC SIMILIMUM SPACE BY MATCHING OUR HEALTHY DESIGN AND BRING THAT ON SURFACE. That space itself is not a good medium for them to survive.

Made this artwork in this alone space which we all have gifted with now.

SYMBIOSIS: ethernal love

And another art work done today, touch of similimum.

DO SHARE WHAT COMES UP IN THIS Alone SPace. I am sure it will have deep healing effect all around.

Deep healing hug WITH TOUCH OF SIMILIMUM to stay in tune with your inner healing energy to fight this negative pandemic space, to bring best design of you in this alone space.

Deep healing hug

It’s okay to sleep with a hypothesis, but you should never be married to one.
Deep healing hug

Look at light and admire its beauty. Close your eyes, and then look again: what you saw is no longer there; and what you will see later is not yet. – Leonardo da Vinci

Anandini dipawali.
Shubh diwali.
Happy diwali.
Happy light festival.

In between patient. A vocation space.
Deep healing hug

The ability to see

A writer arrived at our integrative holistic school to write a book about my Master. “People say you are a genius. Are you?” he asked.

“You might say so,” said the Master with a smile.

“And what makes one a genius?” asked the reporter.

“The ability to see,” said the Master.

The writer was betwixt and between.

Scratching his hair with one hand and rubbing his tummy with the other, he muttered, “To see what?”
The Master quietly replied, 

“The butterfly in a caterpillar,
the eagle in an egg,
Oaktree in the seed"

"Say, Pooh, why aren't you busy?" I said.
"Because it's a nice day," said Pooh.
"Yes, but ---"
"Why ruin it?" he said.
"But you could be doing something Important," I said.
"I am, " said Pooh.
"Oh? Doing what?"
"Listening," he said.
"Listening to what?"
"To the birds. And that squirrel over there."
"What are they saying?" I asked.
"That it's a nice day," said Pooh.
"But you know that already," I said.
"Yes, but it's always good to hear that somebody else thinks so, too," he replied.

Stop and take time to listen today! It's a beautiful day!

While walking on beach with my master, this is what I heard him saying and this is what I understood when I asked him, ‘what kind of homeopaths he want to guide and want in his team to develop holistic integrative homeopathy.?

“Give me the black sheep in homeopathy.
I want passionate holistic Homeopaths who are frustrated with two dimensional fixed system.

I want homeopaths the ones who have another way of doing holistic healing that nobody’s listening to.

Give me all those who are probably headed out the door.

I know they are crazy. Those crazy homeopaths what homeopathy needs to grow in scientifically—intuitive way.”

In each of us there is another whom we do not know. (S)he speaks to us in dreams (feelings, perception and sensation)and tells us how differently (s)he sees us from the way we see ourselves. When, therefore, we find ourselves in a difficult situation to which there is no solution, (s)he can sometimes kindle a light that radically alters our attitude – the very attitude that led us into the difficult situation.

C. G. Jung, Collected Works, vol. 10, par. 325

just watched full moon today with my Master. Last year I wished my master ‘happy guru purnima’ and in my excitement, I told my Master, now I really know the system and have the right tools to learn, share and heal. The Master took up the task to destroy systematically every tool, every belief, every system centric/book centric methods, every notes I made, every theoretical concept of the healing, every Chart/Box I made and i didn’t didn’t understood why. This year just wished my teacher, ‘Happy Guru Purnima’ and after that asked him, WHY in last one year you did what you did? His answer was, “for these things which were originally intended as pointers, were now being taken as descriptions, fix method, fix tools 🛠 a fix box 📦 ”. He took me out in his balcony, and pointed to the today’s full moon, and told “all that you idiot sees is the finger”. With my master first time show the full moon 🌕 of today. We gave healing hug to each other and left. Happy Master- Dsiciple poornima Dinu

Some may travel the world and see nothing of it. To understand it, it is necessary not to see too much of it, but to look closely at what you see.

Whenever my master and I were walking in the rain, he would always say looking at my energy, 'Do not walk so fast, the rain is everywhere.

Still every rain walk, to learn this deeper. Asci walk.... I learn deeper truth.

Do not worry about WHERE, patients center is every where.
Do not worry in which area, remedy and symptoms are present in every area.

Do not worry about similimum principle, it is everywhere in nature.

Deep healing hug with full of inner shower.

In any place with similimum field...

In any place. With two chairs. In a field. With the moon 🌓 light. On rooftops. Walking on beach. Walking down the sleepy city streets. Walking in nature and mountains. Sitting in a coffee ☕️ shop. In star 💫 night with quite park. Close to water bodies. In your inner world.

Your illness. Your thoughts. Your imagination. Your dreams. Your strange weird thoughts and imaginations. Your fears and phobias. Your deep feelings. The way you sense the inner and outer world.

I would like to listen. Listen with my whole being. I would like to to know you whole.

Let’s create such space as we walk together on this healing path.

Deep healing hug

Books to awaken inner library...

The perfect speaker (homeopathic healer and master)
is like a generous host whose table is set with a great variety of Dishes to suit every palate. - Rumi

Have all tools which and use which is designer to you and your patient.

Deep hug from Bulgaria.

U Me and Similimum field.
My remedy and my patient to me,
"Look at me and hear me,
Because i am here..........
Just for that, to create that similimum field where we become catalyst to each other to transform to next healing posibility. . "

Deep healing hug to all of you.

In our life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another substance call similimum. Lets acknowledge this person who brings ignite this fire and spread colours of rainbow in our life. Happy holistic colourful holi. Healing hug with inner fire


For lovers, the beauty of the beloved is their teacher. His face is their syllabus, lesion and book. -Rumi

For lovers (of Holistic homeopathy), the beauty of the Beloved (the Holistic inclusive integrative principles) are their teacher, their universal application is there syllabus, lesion and book.

Deep healing hug

I read, walk for miles in nature, forest, mountains, at night, along the beach keep writing in my Meri kitab and searching endlessly for healing friend, healing substance, Healing designer song, my mirror, similimum field. It never crossed my mind that that field, song, mirror, remedy could be me.

Keep witnessing everything within and around you, your patients and illness from that inner unconditional eye to freeze the awareness moments.
Deep healing hug

When two violins are place in a room, if chord of one violin is struck the other violin sound that note.
If this your defination of Similimum, similimum field, homeopathy healing, case witnessing process.

Then you are in the right direction of learning and healing.

Similimum Musical hug


"Didn't I tell you,
Don’t run away from me!
Didn't I tell you,
In this empty fantasy,
Even if for centuries,
you wander angrily
You’ll never find another
true companion like me
Since I’m your source
of life and your final destiny,
You’ll have to come back home to me..."

" Integrative holistic similimum homeopathic healing Is To Remember Yourself Again , Again, And Again, Where Your House Is, To Finally Come HOME With Your One aAnd Only Inner -SELF-,.... Forever And Ever..NOW"...

Let inner holistic healing brings you back to yourself.

Healing hug from that inner space.

If you want to learn theory, talk with theoreticians. That way is oral.

When you learn a craft, practice it.
That learning comes through the hands.

If you want dervish-hood, emptiness, you must be friend with a teacher.

Talking about it, reading books, and doing practices don't help. Soul receives from soul that knowing.

The greatest wish I have,
Is to create a listening/healing space, what wizards cannot and what magic never has.

The most elegant space we can ever pray for is aiding in recovery of someone who is disturbed, ill and not aware of his inner designer self and facilitating their becoming their own hero in their own designer story/fairy tales.

One more year to be in tune with your own inner child like pure designer story and help others to come closure to their own designer story.

Thank you for being part of this unconditional choiceless empty diary, let’s write our own unique story.

My Magic Wish,
The greatest wish I have,
Is to create a listening/healing space, what wizards cannot and what magic never has.

The most elegant space we can ever pray for is aiding in recovery of someone who is disturbed, ill and not aware of his inner designer self and facilitating their becoming their own hero in their own designer story/fairy tales.

Yea ceremony in Japan

The tea ceremony requires years of training and practice ... yet the whole of this art, as to its detail, signifies no more than the making and serving of a cup of tea. The supremely important matter is that the act be performed in the most perfect, most polite, most graceful, most charming manner possible.

If Teacups Could Talk
“The very act of preparing and serving tea encourages conversation. The little spaces in time created by teatime rituals call out to be filled with conversation. Even the tea itself–warm and comforting-inspires a feeling of relaxation and trust that fosters shared confidences.”

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time
The comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company





A good traveler
has no fixed plans
and is not intent
on arriving.
~Lao Tzu

Like a good traveller, Keep travelling with no fix plans towards CENTER of patient to make patient aware of his CENTER with no intend of fix idea of remedy in mind.

Deep healing hug

While listening to string instruments hear their composite central sound; this omnipresence.

You are hearing an instrument- a sitar, or anything. Many notes there. Be alert and listen to the central core, the back bone of it around which all notes are flowing, the deepest current which holds all the notes together which is central.

Listening to the music, be alert, penetrate the music and find the backbone of it; the central thing which goes on flowing holding everything together.

Notes comes and go and disappears, but the central core flows on. Become aware of it.

Many hugs to all.

'Find your chief characteristic', because around that everything is hooked".- Gurdjieff

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploration,
Will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
T. S. Eliot

Previous Next

"Dear pilgrim/ patient/ friend on search for inner healing,
I love your thoughts, feelings, your face, your perception, your reactions, your dream, your bodily expressions, your silence in between and most of all your inner pattern.
Just express what speak about you. Go more close if u want to heal it deeper as u will find me listening with depth.
These way we can heal and share like two highly advance aspirant-
Like two emancipated holy vagrants who are sharing his bottle of truth and feeling so damn good and free".

Deep witnessing hug where two is one. 
Attaching photos of yin-yang, two together in single whole from recent trip to hampi.

My similimum to me
"I have Come to Drag You Out of Yourself and Take You in My Heart. I have Come to Bring Out the Beauty You never Knew You had and Lift You Like a Prayer to the Sky."
~ Rumi

Emrace the whole and whole shall embrace you!

dear Homeopath and patient

I enjoy this space with you,

Where We can learn, grow, share, play and teach together.

Where we don’t look backwards for very long… We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things.

Where just sitting together in same place, looking at horizon we see our path. 

Many healing hugs 

Everything start and end at same point.
So true for universe, all living and non living things, disease, healing art, case witnessing process and holistic healing.

Healing hug


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Live Case this Month

“I think I was Mother Teresa in my last life”

Keywords – Retake, change, case taking in teenagers, in women, case taking in retakes

Following is a retake case of a school going girl aged 15years, she complaints of adenoids. During the retake she gave a clue, a hint to us which helped us unfold the whole case and come to the centre of the case.

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