CWP in children with Right Brain Methods

“Belief system and Imaginary friend”

As kids all of us always believed in Santa Claus, and the concept of Secret Santa. We believed that if we would make a list of what all things we wanted as presents, if we would put in the sock this list and hang it outside, Santa would come and give us the gifts we desired…this made Christmas the most wanting celebration isn’t it…but did our Secret Santa really exist?

Every child carries this believe isn’t it?

Every child has his own imaginations and fantasies, he constructs his own believes which come purely from the subconscious, non-logical realm. Let me ask you, as a child was this the only belief you had, weren’t there any weird believes that you spent your entire childhood imagining, thinking them to be true, or you still think them to be true?

Where do these believes come from?

The beliefs of a child, or believes that we carried as children have nothing to do with logic; they are those which directly come from our imagination, from our subconscious. This belief system has nothing to do with our linear, learned, conscious world. They source from the non-linear right brain realm, isn’t it?

Along with belief system there is also a whole world of imagination that the child lives in…

As I started to understand my weird believes during childhood, I was sure I must be having many other such weird strange unique unexpected and unscientific things with me. I am sure all of us have these weird set of stories from childhood

Imaginary, invisible, pretending friends are a psychological and social phenomenon where a friendship or other interpersonal relationship takes place in the imagination rather than external physical reality.

These invisible companions, these imaginary friends, are a regular presence in the lives of about one-third to half of all children. These friends are a product of a child's imagination, and they can come in all shapes, sizes, colours, and species.

With such imaginary, pretending, invisible friend, children as well as grownups can express their feelings, fears, phobias, perceptions, sensations, reactions and symptoms clearly in form of their imaginary friend


Case witnessing process

Passive case witnessing process

Guided passive – Right Brain Method: Area: Belief System -

  • What belief you had as a child? What were those strange rare unthinkable beliefs you had as a child?
  • As a child which were those stories/ phobias/ strange thinking which you believed in, were true for you?

Active- active case witnessing process: Advise: Designer’s diary

  • Write down all those beliefs that you imagined as a child those which were true for you at that time, which were not taught to you, which you think were completely strange and weird for you at that time?

As I started to understand my weird believes during childhood, I was sure I must be having many other such weird strange unique unexpected and unscientific things with me. I am sure all of us have these weird set of stories from their childhood

For more details refer to the chapter in the upcoming book: RIGHT BRAIN APPROACH in HOMOEOPATHY


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Live Case this Month

“I think I was Mother Teresa in my last life”

Keywords – Retake, change, case taking in teenagers, in women, case taking in retakes

Following is a retake case of a school going girl aged 15years, she complaints of adenoids. During the retake she gave a clue, a hint to us which helped us unfold the whole case and come to the centre of the case.

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