From Dinu's Diary

"Say, Pooh, why aren't you busy?" I said.
"Because it's a nice day," said Pooh.
"Yes, but ---"
"Why ruin it?" he said.
"But you could be doing something Important," I said.
"I am, " said Pooh.
"Oh? Doing what?"
"Listening," he said.
"Listening to what?"
"To the birds. And that squirrel over there."
"What are they saying?" I asked.
"That it's a nice day," said Pooh.
"But you know that already," I said.
"Yes, but it's always good to hear that somebody else thinks so, too," he replied.

Stop and take time to listen today! It's a beautiful day!


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“I think I was Mother Teresa in my last life”

Keywords – Retake, change, case taking in teenagers, in women, case taking in retakes

Following is a retake case of a school going girl aged 15years, she complaints of adenoids. During the retake she gave a clue, a hint to us which helped us unfold the whole case and come to the centre of the case.

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