Feedback from Hamburg Sensation seminar (September 2013)

"It gave us many new ideas, there is a better understanding, structure, lot of motivation + enthusiasm for the sensation method."

"There is a Deeper understanding of holistic CWP due to the refined structure, along with the applicability seen in different kind of cases."

"Dinesh´s profound knowledge together with his easy, but very clear way of teaching. He taught us the understanding of the holistic symptoms a pivotal point of Homoeopathy."

"There were thrilling cases and the familiar atmosphere of the seminar with space for questions was an icing on the cake."

"You are the most incredible teacher. I have learned so much, and I love the SCIENCE. Homeopathy needs this desperately! Homoepathy needs your thoughtfulness and deep consideration. I felt so lucky that you were able to come and teach our small group. Regarding Case Witnessing Process, It was one of the most moving experiences that I have had in many years, and has given me so much food for thought It was a very powerful gift. Words cannot express the gratitude for the experience." Pauletter - Boston, USA

"This year was very special for those of us who had the honor to meet and learn with you. It was an intimate time that allowed for learning and healing in a very deep way." Barbara Krupp (MN, USA)

"The content plus pacing were perfect. The mix of lectures and live case plus video cases was just right. I especially appreciate the lectures and discussions on theory. I found the instructive for how I practice plus inspiring personally. Each live case taking analysis plus remedy selection. It was useful to see a following up from a client who was finest seen by Dr Dinesh years ago plus see his progress. Dinesh is amazing preacher, extremely knowledgeable, an extremely good teacher, not ego bound, an excellent practitioner/case taker." Jackie Krammer

"I really enjoyed this seminar, Dinesh s teaching is so precise and clear and his very responsive to questions and each person. I feel much more able to make the case witnessing process my own and to follow my own path as a homoeopath. Thanks so much Dinesh, and Kris and Dob, I know it was a work and I really appreciate that." Joanne Thomas


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Live Case this Month

“I think I was Mother Teresa in my last life”

Keywords – Retake, change, case taking in teenagers, in women, case taking in retakes

Following is a retake case of a school going girl aged 15years, she complaints of adenoids. During the retake she gave a clue, a hint to us which helped us unfold the whole case and come to the centre of the case.

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