Review by Veronique Jack
"Dr Dinesh Chauhan’s case of a boy who wouldn’t speak was a major tour de force as we watched this tortured teenager slowly emerge through Dinesh’s clever and gentle coaxing; he was able to gain the boy’s trust by literally mimicking his gestures and attitude in a “scientifically intuitive case witnessing process.” The boy felt so liberated that he didn’t want the consultation to end! This was proof yet again that new methods and traditional wisdom applied together can create remarkable results; the patient received Stramonium, it having become clear in the course of the casetaking that the recurring problem was one of becoming absolutely frozen in terror, to the point of being unable to utter a single word. Dinesh’s other video case showed us how much fun can be had in the consultation when one is truly present to a child’s vital energy and able to enter into close resonance with it!"