What will you take home from this seminar?
Giving space, waiting during case taking.
Calmness and presence, trust in the method.
Lots of good spirit and motivation.
Unconditional love, connecting to the soul, trust the process.
Inspiration for case taking: passive and active.
Trust in the work, courage and inspiration, joy with the work, material medica knowledge of stones.
What do you appreciate most?
Case witnessing, opening up and the therapist as the simillimum.
Case taking process, Materia Medica of Stones.
Getting to know the method and especially the case examples. Live-case was super- seeing and feeling how things can work.
The masterkey, the center of the case, intuition and science.
The combination of sensation method with exact knowledge of material medica and repertorium; to adapt the method according to the individual case.
Respect and mindfulness in communication with the patient, openness.