Miss Z. 18 years consulted me in August 2005 for oral ulcers. Along with oral ulcers, the patient also had common cold since childhood.
At that time, I understood her holistically through the case witnessing process.
(NOTE: The case has been edited for brevity. Peculiar sentences are highlighted in italics or bold. My explanations are in plain brackets ( ). Follow ups have been summarized.)
D: Tell me
P: Sir I am getting little boils in my mouth, since past 5-6 months I am getting on my tongue. It starts with small boil and then ruptures but it pains very much, very painful I am not able to speak not able to eat.
D: Tell more about it
P: Sir pain is very irritating, there is pricking sensation. I feel thirsty also I also have to take sips of water very frequently
D: What more about you.
P: These ulcers that happen on the tongue these almost disable me. I am not able to talk converse with people that day I have to take cases I say no I wont be able to talk. In that time my speech is very blurred so there is sense of embarrassment.
D: More about it
P: Nothing much
D: More about this problem
P: It started last 4-5 years back. First 1-2 days there is whitish discharge, mucus gets stuck up and I cannot swallow also.
D: What else, just go on?
P: Nothing else
(In passive process, we allow patients to talk and don't alter the flow of the case. I remained passive for longer and asked her open eneded questions but she continued with the same history about her illness and did not say anything else. The patient is in close touch with one area that is her chief complaint. Also her level of experience is of common emotions in this local area. So we become active in this one area.)
Till now we haven't got the focus. All that we have at present with us are facts of the patient. Allowing passive with this patient is not taking her anywhere. So we become active.
• Little boils in my mouth and on my tongue.
• These ulcers that happen on the tongue these almost disable me.
• My speech is very blurred so that there is a sense of embarrassment.
There is no focus that the patient has been able to give till now.
Common emotions, facts
How patient is experiencing the level of experience:
Patient is in touch with the facts that she is talking about.
At which level patient is experiencing the level of experience:
At a local level
Patient is only talking about one area that is of the physical complaints
At this stage the potency cannot be fixed as we have yet not got the focus.
First we need to become active to find the focus, then confirm it and then go ahead with the journey. Patient is in touch with plain facts of the illness. So we ask her as to how does it feel to have all these problems? We always start the active journey from the level of experience that the patient is in touch with
D: How do you feel to have ulcers that are very painful?
P: I am not able to eat, talk, converse I become very much introvert. Its better...At times I am not able to respond so no one approaches me, then those 2-3 days I don't go to college also ..... then I don't know why I just back answer people I don't know why; like if they approach me for simple things also I get very irritated and I am very rude at that moment.
D: Go on little bit more...
P: And that the pain is too much. It's like pricking sensation.
ACTIVE IN GENERAL (To find focus)
D: Again I will ask you the same thing what do you feel about all this?
P: Like the same what I told you I am not comfortable working I am very much uneasy and that disturbs a lot like basics like eating, talking, conversing are hampered over there.
D: So how does it feel when your basic activities like talking, conversing is hampered?
P: Sir its like you are not able to feel what are you feeling at that moment and as I get irritated my better relations are also very worst..... Like friends also say what happened to you, why are you behaving this way? Even I think what happened why did I behave in that manner later I relies about it but at that moment I am very rude over there.
(Not able to feel and rudeness are the common (Human) expression of the energy. We can thus confirm that the level of experience of this patient is common emotions.)
D: At that moment of time what happens to you?
P: It's basically because of pain which disturbs me a lot.
D: Its pain which disturbs you right, then at that moment what happens to you?
P: Like I said I loose all my senses and I am logically not able to analyze what I am saying what I am doing at that moment ..... Like I am blank I don't have the power to think and analyze, I just rudely .... Give any absurd answer ......
D: Little bit more I have to understand the feeling of loose all your senses, blank and.....not able to think logically and analyze.
P: To react in your natural way but if you are uncomfortable definitely something is disturbing you, you are not able to behave in your natural way. So it's something besides your natural behavior.
D: Ya, I am trying to understand that, what something besides your natural behavior is what is it? ..... Which make you blank not able to think logically.....
P: Blank is...... at that moment I loose the power of thinking, I don't know that if I respond that person in this fashion will he be back to talk to me. like all those thoughts are not there at that moment I just give back irrespective of what will happen, what that person will think, whatever comes to my mind.
(From a local area, with further case taking the patient generalizes the whole phenomenon. This shows that our focus is right. However we are trying to get the complete focus)
D: I did understand that what you do at that time but now I need to understand that what is this? What is this whole state like of blank looses all senses looses the power of thinking?
P: I am a totally different person out there it's not me.
D: So how does it feel to be blank not to be in your senses not to have power for thinking?
P: When you are not able to judge analyze, you behave in any fashion like as I said I behave very absurdly and I am rude to people so my behavior hurts lot so you don't know what you do at that moment it's a sudden impulse like.
D: So tell more about this sudden and absurd impulse.
P: Sudden is like you are not prepared for it you have not planned it. It just happens without your knowledge. It's like automatic you don't know how you did or why you did it. In a very short span it happens like in that moment you cant think like how it happened or what I am suppose to do it just happened. It's for very short duration.
D: More about this sudden absurd automatic impulse.
P: Sudden is within a very short duration of span... (Pause) like something crops up and it hides back like that state. (HG: peculiar hand gesture associated with it) Like my self is not aware of it later. I have to think how I could do this.
(The non-verbal language starts coming up with the whole process. Scientifically this proves that we are on right track.)
D: Tell about it.
P: Suddenly something props up and then hides back..... (HG)
(Here at this point you become active-active and take this phenomena to the whole pattern.)
D: Can you describe this whole gesture that you did with your hands.
P: Sir, can I call my mom in.....
(At this point she wants to call her mother in. This is a defense system, the moment the patient touches her core the defence comes up. This makes it surer that we are on right track.)
D: Just describe that.... you did something with the hands.
P: Like something peeps (HG) out and again (HG) it recedes back within a fraction of time like you don't have any time to think about it. Its sudden... like something comes up in few seconds, it is exposed and again it goes in ... (HG)
D: Explain just this whole process.
P: It all happens very suddenly. All this happens in a very short duration.
D: Just describe this as much as possible.
P: (HG) like something is loose (HG) and soft also ... It just comes to the surface (HG) and again it goes down. Something comes up (HG) and stays over there for a very short duration and goes back and actually its very sudden impulse (HG) sort of. Just like something from beneath (HG) the surface suddenly comes up (HG) and within a fraction of seconds it resides back. It comes up and goes back.
D: More about it.....
P: Call my mom please, sir....
(Again she is requesting to call her mother in. As you touch her deeper core more, she wants her mother besides her. Now the question is why she needs her mother besides her.)
D: So now tell more about it...
P: Sir it's the same thing that in a short duration it comes up (HG) and again recedes back (HG) in order to protect from the external stimulus ... or prick anything.
(We see how the whole process is slowly becmoing non human.)
D: Can you repeat the whole phenomena again....
P: It is like some external impulse (HG) or some triggering factor and some object is being pricked at and something soft from the hard subject beneath (HG) is propping up and receding back. It is of short duration and this whole event takes a fraction of second. It is all in a very short duration without anybodies knowledge. It is very sudden...
D: You said very soft what you mean by that?
P: It could be harmed by anything in the surrounding, any stimulus, even a prick (HG) could injure it or harm it so in order to protect it just comes up(HG) and goes back.
D: And you said that beneath the hard surface what you mean by that?
P: Like something hard above from which it can't penetrate that hard and beneath that soft (HG) object exists and beneath that surface some stimulus (HG) or triggering factor exists. And in order to save from that, that soft object will come above (HG) the surface and but nothing from above will go down..... Like if this is the surface and this object exists below then from above nothing can penetrate there but below the surface something exists which may harm it so thing comes up and goes back and that can come above the surface and nothing from above can go down.
D: Describe this whole process of the thing coming and going.
P: Below its all dark vacuum sort of and the soft object is existing over there and below the surface there is a certain stimulus, and that object is able to sense that and just in order to save itself it comes up and goes down (HG). The whole process is very sudden. It's like that object which comes out and goes of suddenly like I loses my rational state. Normally I don't give such answers but at that moment I say something and again I subside in few seconds and feel I shouldn't have said that. At that time I loose my natural state.
(The sensation is not just a word but the whole process that is happening in the patient at this moment of time. Here the circle gets completed joining in all the sporadic out of place things that we got earlier.)
D: What dreams you get?
P: I don't get dreams as such but 2-3 times I have got a dream in which my mom fears lot about hens and birds those feathers and those beaks specially so I see my mom is putting me in hens cage (HG) and all hens are coming and giving me a prick and I am bleeding and in my sleep I cry where's mom and dad this has happened 2-3 times.
(We now confirm the whole process in a vital sub conscious area of dreams.)
D: Describe this dream to me.
P: Like my mom is throwing me in lots of hens and they are flapping there wings and giving me a prick. (HG)
D: Which part of this dream is most important for you?
P: Prick (HG) as something is poking you.
D: And how does it feel to be there in that situation.
P: Very bad, it's like a merciful situation. I want some one to come and save me as I can not do it myself ... its just that I fear hens so don't want to be there I want to go away from it want to escape.
D: How does it feel to be there in middle of that? Describe it...
P: Its very merciful situation I really want some one to come and give me a helping hand in order to get rid of that situation. Where the pricks are very much unbearable
D: You said you are alone, cannot go out of it
P: Yeah I need someone to come and give me a helping hand.
D: And if you are all alone how it does feel there?
P: Then I won't exist as I fear that I won't be able to come back then, I have no power to fight back, I won't be there until and unless someone comes and rescues me..
D: How does it feel when someone comes and saves you?
P: I feel happy then I know there are people who love me and care for me
D: How does it feel to be with some one around you?
P: I feel a bit confident and there's no fear like if something goes wrong they are there to take care they are behind me
(This is also the reason why the patient was uncomfortable withouth the mother when her central core was touched during the whole case witnessing process.)
D: How does it feel with them around?
P: Protected
D: What you mean by that?
P: Protected like nothing can come and harm you there like whatever happens they will see to it they will take the action like they can protect me in any form.
D: What you mean by protection in general?
P: (HG) A covering. Where you are very much safe nothing can harm you.
D: Describe this covering.
P: It's a hard surface where nothing can come above it. Like nothing can penetrate or approach you, its very hard surface where nothing can approach you
D: More about this covering......
P: It's very hard. It's a tough one... its like a shelter or protection for you it's of a hard surface (HG) or tense from above nothing can penetrate or harm you and you are very much well protected inside. It's not complete shell. It's like a row or something flat and hard. It's not going round its just straight and its very hard nothing can externally penetrate in it. And you are down well protected inside.
Initially my nature was very soft and mild but it is changed now. I am very hard and tough now.
D: What's the opposite of hard and tough?
P: You are very soft and delicate where simple thing can also harm you.
D: Just describe that soft and delicate.....
P: Soft is like anything can penetrate it anything can pressurize you ..... It's very soft (HG) like jelly people can mould you it and bend it any how.
D: Describe this soft like jelly.
P: Like wherever it gets pressurized (HG) it gets deformed it looses its shape and structure. It can render to any sort of pressure it just can't be in its original state when the pressure is applied. It gets deformed, it can't be stable in one place. A hard surface (HG) is there and beneath (HG) is there is this soft thing like any amount of pressure can rupture it like a prick or any impulse and in order protect it shape and originality it just comes up and goes away. It's very soft.
D: Just draw what ever comes to you mind use color pencils.
P: It's something like a star fish or jelly fish. Like in jelly you can't have very transparency but it's not opaque also you can see the crystals. They are very much delicate and soft. I just feel like holding them.
D: You feel like holding them so tell about it.
P: I don't know much I feel they need protection as they don't have there shell in order to be combat with the surroundings. Even they need protection some hard surface like rocks in order to hide behind them. Otherwise they are on there own like they will have there own happy time like they can't hurt any one.
• Little boils in my mouth and on my tongue.
• These ulcers that happen on the tongue these almost disable me.
• My speech is very blurred so that there is a sense of embarrassment.
• I am not able to eat, talk, converse I become very much introvert
• If they approach me for simple things also I get very irritated and I am very rude at that moment.
• The pain is too much. It's like pricking sensation.
• Like you are not able to feel what are you feeling at that moment
• I am very rude over there.
• I loose all my senses and I am logically not able to analyze, I am blank
• It's something besides your natural behavior.
• I am a totally different person out there it's not me.
• I am rude to people, it's a sudden impulse
• Sudden is like you are not prepared for it you have not planned it.
• Suddenly something props up and then hides back
(Towards the whole process)
• Something peeps (HG) out and again (HG) it recedes back within a fraction of time. Its sudden... like something comes up in few seconds, it is exposed and again it goes in.
• Something is loose (HG) and soft also ... It just comes to the surface (HG) and again it goes down. Something comes up (HG) and stays over there for a very short duration and goes back and actually its very sudden impulse in order to protect from the external stimulus
• It is like some external impulse (HG) or some triggering factor and some object is being pricked at and something soft from the hard subject beneath (HG) is propping up and receding back. It is of short duration and this whole event takes a fraction of second. It is all in a very short duration without anybodies knowledge.
• I lose my natural state.
(For confirmation)
• Dreams: I see my mom is putting me in hens cage (HG) and all hens are coming and giving me a prick and I am bleeding and in my sleep I cry where's mom and dad
• I really want some one to come and give me a helping hand in order to get rid of that situation. Then I won't exist as I fear that I won't be able to come back then, I have no power to fight back, I won't be there until and unless someone comes and rescues me.
• Protected like nothing can come and harm you there like whatever happens they will see to it they will take the action like they can protect me in any form. (HG) A covering. Where you are very much safe nothing can harm you.
• It's a hard surface where nothing can come above it. Like nothing can penetrate or approach you, its very hard surface where nothing can approach you
• It's not complete shell. It's like a row or something flat and hard. It's not going round its just straight and its very hard nothing can externally penetrate in it.
• It's very soft (HG) like jelly people can mould you it and bend it any how.
(Towards the source)
• Like wherever it gets pressurized (HG) it gets deformed it looses its shape and structure. It can render to any sort of pressure it just can't be in its original state when the pressure is applied. It gets deformed, it can't be stable in one place. A hard surface (HG) is there and beneath (HG) is there is this soft thing like any amount of pressure can rupture it like a prick or any impulse and in order protect it shape and originality it just comes up and goes away. It's very soft.
• It's something like a star fish or jelly fish. Like in jelly you can't have very transparency but it's not opaque also you can see the crystals.
• I don't know much I feel they need protection as they don't have there shell in order to be combat with the surroundings. Even they need protection some hard surface like rocks in order to hide behind them. Otherwise they are on there own like they will have there own happy time like they can't hurt any one.
• Totally different person.
• Suddenly something props up and then hides back..... (HG)
• Comes up (HG) and again recedes back (HG) in order to protect from the external stimulus ...
• It could be harmed by anything in the surrounding... so in order to protect it just comes up (HG) and goes back ...
• Sudden change in me like a split personality like how it happens there from jolly to very much grey wild and all.
• Protected like nothing can come and harm
• Totally different person.
• Whole process of sensation is of attack and defense which is typically of animal.
• Sudden change in me like a split personality... from jolly to very much grey wild and all.
• Like my mom is throwing me in lots of hens and they are flapping there wings and giving me a prick. (HG)
• Images of Jellyfish and Starfish.
• Hard above and beneath that soft (HG).
• It's a very hard surface (HG) like a concrete base or something and from above nothing can penetrate and below.
• It's a tuff one it's like a shelter or protection.
• Protection.
• Soft and delicate inside.
• Mollusks comprise a group of soft bodied animals that includes snails, clams, and sea slugs. The most common characteristic of most mollusks is their shell.
• Many mollusks have a hard external shell, but others do not. Some major classes of mollusk include:
Bivalves (Like clams)
Cephalopods (Octopus and squid)
Gastropods (Snail and slug)
Aplacophorans (Worm like mollusk)
Scaphods (Tusk shell)
• The shell may be internal or external and its main purpose is for protection.
• Attack defense: The shell gives mollusks a good shape and rigidity, and provides protection and camouflage from predators.
• When a predator comes to attack, it withdraws into the shell and reveals the surface, which is quite different in color and pattern than that which the predator had seen initially. This sudden change in the appearance causes a startling effect on the predator.
• The shell gives mollusks a good shape and rigidity, and provides protection and camouflage from predators.
• When a predator comes to attack, it withdraws into the shell and reveals the surface, which is quite different in color and pattern than that which the predator had seen initially. This sudden change in the appearance causes a startling effect on the predator.
Patient's words
• Suddenly something props up and then hides back.
• It's not complete shell sort of it's a longitudinal surface it's not round (HG) it's a straight longitudinal surface (HG)
• Ya, it's not round and something is protected inside its not that sort (HG) of it's a longitudinal surface (HG)
• I don't know much I feel they need protection as they don't have there shell in order to be combat with the surroundings even they need protection some hard surface like rocks in order to hide behind them.
Which mollusks have these characteristic?
• The cephalopods may not seem very closely related to the other mollusks, but physiologically, they are similar in internal construction. Perhaps the most obvious difference between most cephalopods and other mollusks is the apparent lack of a shell...
There are four types of cephalopods (DIFFERENTIAL REMEDIES)
1) Octopi--they have eight symmetric arms (tentacles) which are used for their protection and for obtaining food. They have an interesting mating ritual: The males and females do not mate with any other partners besides the chosen one. Shortly after the female has her children, she dies, but the male stays with her--he does not mate again. This example is one of the only monogamous relationships that exist among animals. The octopus also has the most advanced sensory systems of any other invertebrate.
2) Squids--Have ten polymorphic arms--two special arms that an octopus doesn't have. They also have something called jet propulsion. This is caused by the squid taking water into its mantle cavities and then expelling it at high speeds through a nozzle like siphon in the opposite direction that the squid wants to move.
3) Cuttle Fish--have ten polymorphic arms (2 special arms that the octopus does not have). They also use their lateral fins to swim in the same manner of the squid. The remnants of its shell are internal--makes a well-developed internal skeleton. They like to inhabit areas around CORALS.
4) The Chambered Nautilus--is the only cephalopod with a true shell. The shell is made of many chambers.
• Suddenly something props up and then hides back.
• It's not complete shell sort of it's a longitudinal surface it's not round (HG) it's a straight longitudinal surface (HG)
• Ya, it's not round and something is protected inside its not that sort (HG) of it's a longitudinal surface (HG)
• I don't know much I feel they need protection as they don't have there shell in order to be combat with the surroundings even they need protection some hard surface like rocks in order to hide behind them.
Final remedy:
Summary of the follow ups:
After the first dose of squid 1M, the patient felt much better. The ulcers did not appear at all. The coryza (common cold) was however the same, rather aggravated slightly. Her friends felt that she had become mischeivous like earlier. She herself felt that she was not reserved any more as the ulcers did not develop. The whole feeling of something suddenly pops up and recedes back had not appeared too. However the need for protection was still there. She was given placebo.
After 3 months, ulcers were nil. Nature-wise she felt that she has become very bold. She was not shy and timid anymore that she had become since she had ulcers. The severe cold still persisted, but the ulcers did not occur at all. The winter season also did not aggravate her much. The impulse towards rude behavious was not encountered by her since she started treatment. She was given placebo.
After 9 months, chief complaint never came back since the first dose. The tendency towards common cold reduced gradually and was almost nil after 9 months. She was able to take her own decisions. She did not need any protection from her parents. She was comfortable without them being around too. The anger and rude behaviour bouts reduced. She said that, "even if I get angry I am much inder control. I am aware of it, I know what I am saying in anger." She came to the clinic all alone. She was given placebo and after 3 months, the treatment was stopped.
In advance case witnessing process we see how we take the patient which is at the fact level, towards the whole altered process within her. Even a fact level patient goes till the source level. With the case witnessing process we gradually forward the journey towards the source and make sure at every level that we take the patient inwards towards the patient's centre. The patient names the source as star fish, jelly fish... however since we know the whole centre of the patient, we make sure of the source which is an exact similimum for the patient.