It Keeps Building Up, And Then It May Burst One Time

Mr. M. K. B. age 40 years consulted me in November 2008 for hypertension, choking spells. He had not started with any other mode of treatment.

At that time, I understood him holistically through the case witnessing process.

The case witnessing process is a scientifically designed method to understand the patient's unique individuality at the physical, mental and above all at the holistic level. The whole process has been divided into three steps passive, active and active-active.

In passive, we note the out of place verbal and non-verbal details given by the patient in a spontaneous not disturbed flow. Following that the focus is confirmed in active process and then the final active-active journey begins to get the whole altered process.

Passive is about collecting all the out of place information from the patient as it is. We allow natural flow of the case and passively listen to the fragmented individualistic expressions. It helps to highlight the most important characteristic expressions at every level. That which gets repeated at every level is the focus of the case.

- Here, a physician stays passively alert
- Passive process enables one to know the focus, level of
- This part aids to predict what questions to ask and how to frame them in the following part of the case.

Active is where the flow is directed inwards, towards the altered pattern to get the whole phenomenon. The surety of the focus is established in this step. In cases when focus is not obtained in the passive process, the focus is first found and then confirmed in the active process.

- The aim here is to make the journey from the patient's conscious to sub conscious self and beyond.
- It is a preparatory phase for the final journey of the patient towards his altered pattern.

• In Active-Active the whole pattern is unfolded. Complete innermost altered pattern comes to surface when the patient touches the inner most core in its totality.

- The active-active is the grand finale.
- Here the homoeopath zooms in on the focus and does not allow the patient to drift away into conscious areas.
- All the isolated, scattered expressions that spilled out during the passive and active stages are connected in one phenomenon.
- The main objective is to get the entire altered pattern.

(NOTE: The case has been edited for brevity. Peculiar sentences are highlighted in italics or bold. My explanations are in plain brackets ( ). Follow ups have been summarized.)


D: Feel free and tell about you. The more you explain me about you and your problem, the easier it will be for me to help you out.

P: (AREA chief complaint)

I have a couple of things; once about 6 – 7 years back, during traveling I felt giddiness in the aircraft. So doctor said it is blood pressure, but no blood pressure since 5 yrs or so.

2-3 yrs back while sleeping, at around 1-2 a.m. in morning, I got up and that time I was feeling choked while breathing. Off late I am again getting 2-3 attacks. During sleeping, at night time when I get up, my whole breathing is stopped. My family feels that my weight is getting reduced.

I am very fussy about food, less oil, many fruits. This is one problem.

Every year my prostate has grown and the void residue is more. While urination can't completely urinate, it is slight leaky also.

One more thing is the burning in the chest. I have taken antacid which I have never taken in my whole life.

Everything is coming together (HG of closed fist.) My health is getting deteriorated I feel, so this is the prima foci.

(While giving factual details about the chief complaint, we observe that the patient is projecting his feelings on his family members and gives a peculiar image of everything coming together. A HG comes up which is aligned with the verbal language. We make note of this and be with the patient.)

(AREA work)

In terms of working career, I love to have high status at work, when there is less load of work at that time I get nervous (HG.) I like long hrs at work, so my family feels that I am spending too much time in office. My family and office people are also telling that now-a-days my weight is decreased and my charm is reduced which I had previously and my energy levels have come down dramatically, so these are things which force me from my family to show to a doctor.

(AREA change)

Now there is white color patch on leg that is due to vitamin A deficiency. Off late burning is also there, like heat coming out (HG aligned with verbal language). Sometimes I feel slight palpitations when I am nervous, that time it's like a pressure going up at that time, otherwise I feel ok. No pain nothing as such.

I am very health conscious, I use to take lot of water, but now a prostate is enlarged so I have reduced the water intake. I have done a test for prostate cancer; I thought I should do it, it is normal. This is the summary (OBSERVATION: speech is broken and slow.)

(As the passive continues, the patient himself goes in different areas. Few more peculiar things like burning, heat, pressure going up is also coming up, hand gestures come up which are aligned with the verbal.)

D: What else about you just go on describe about you?

P: (AREA change)

Basically all these worries come, but I don't talk about it. I am not a loud speaker. I try to absorb it within me. If there is a situation of shouting, then I don't revolt. I absorb it within myself and I am not out spoken even in my family. If situations come then I just absorb it. I have told you everything from office, personal and health all problems. Anything else you want to know about me.

D: What else? I am just trying to understand you.

P: I love to exercise, gym but because of this entire health related problem my family thinks that I am not taking care of my health so I am forced to stop gym and exercise. They say lot of stress is coming inside me; maybe it is accumulating because I am unable to express or give it back. Due to this I think stresses are building in my system. I am slightly afraid of failure.

(The delusion of accumulating things, building in and absorbing things is now coming up generally in every area making the focus clearer for us.)

D: You are doing it very well. Just be in a natural flow. Everything that you are speaking me is helping me.

P: (AREA family)

I am still the only working hand of my family. When there is less work that time stress builds up. Off late stress, tension all this is building up due to work pressure. Hence there is no quality time to spend with family. I can't revolt, I keep things to myself.


My mom is alone in Calcutta. My responsibility is also towards a part of family in Calcutta. Some time I feel I am the only source of income. I won't say there is tension but it goes on building in, so this is my problem.

(We observe that as the focus is now very clear, non human expressions are coming up more and more. Building in and accumulating are more non human words and absorbing inside is just a human expression of the same focus.)


Out of place, out of order:

  • Everything is coming together (HG of closed fist.) My health is getting deteriorated I feel, so this is the prima foci.
  • When there is less load of work at that time I get nervous (HG.)
  • Burning is also there, like heat coming out (HG aligned with verbal language). Sometimes I feel slight palpitations when I am nervous, that time it's like a pressure going up at that time
  • I don't revolt. I absorb it within myself and I am not out spoken even in my family. If situations come then I just absorb it.
  • Lot of stress is coming inside me, maybe it is accumulating because I am unable to express or give it back. Due to this I think stresses are building in my system.
  • (HG of building up) its starts building in my system,
  • When there is less work that time stress builds up. Off late stress, tension all this is building up due to work pressure.
  • It goes on building in.


Building up inside, accumulating, not coming out

  • Everything is coming together (HG of closed fist.)
  • Burning is also there, like heat coming out (HG aligned with verbal language)
  • I try to absorb it within me.
  • Lot of stress is coming inside me may be it is accumulating because I am unable to express or give it back. Due to this I think stresses are building in my system.
  • (HG of building up) its starts building in my system,
  • When there is less work that time stress builds up.

Level of experience:


Patient qualifies the focus and every data he gives. This signifies that he lives her day to day experiences at the level of delusion.

Alignment between verbal and non verbal:

All the HGs that the patient gives are aligned with the verbal language. That means that the conscious and sub conscious are almost in alignment with each other.

Experience of the focus:

Patient experiences the focus at a general level. He generalizes the focus in areas like chief complaint; family and work etc. however he does not talk about subconscious areas like fears or dreams.

In touch with:

In the beginning the patient projects to the family, esp. when talks about the chief complaint. However he gives all the emotions and qualified emotions in touch with himself.



Patient experiences the focus at a general level so 30 to MM, and is living his day to day experiences at the level of delusion, so 1M

Further technique of case witnessing process:

As the focus is clear and the conscious and sub-conscious is almost coming up in alignment, we become active with the focus and confirm the focus. Once the focus is confirmed, we will become active-active to get the whole process of it.


D: So you said, things are building up inside, accumulating, not coming out. Describe that feeling.

P: I am punctual about timings, but my family says it's ok to be little late, but I can't reply, I feel conscious inside. My system does not accept that, it is just absorbing inside. I feel nervous.

D: Does not accept, absorbing inside, built up, accumulating, describe more about this.

P: I can't take it, can't tell or speak it out, and can't revolt. I don't know what will happen if I revolt but that time my BP goes up. I am unable to express.

(As we became active with the focus, the patient connects the focus with his chief complaint. Thus we are very sure of the focus and now we become active-active with it. Since the verbal and non verbal language is aligned we know that the patient is ready for the further journey.)


D: Just describe the feeling that you go through.

P: I get a burning sensation, am unable to tell anything. I go in a room and keep quiet. That time I try to divert my mind with different thinking. But it is continuous and I am unable to meet my commitment and I can't oppose her. I am getting suppressed and I am unable to express. May be not able to fulfill my commitment, that time I absorb myself. But still it goes on building inside (HG aligned with verbal language).

D: Just describe this feeling, stress building inside.

P: Pause.

(We are asking the patient about what he feels, but the patient gives us his reaction or with whom he feels this experience. However we need to know what the patient feels or experiences.)

D: Why, where, what you do I understood that but what is this as if?

P: It goes on building up so I divert my thinking.

D: What happens inside at that moment?

P: That time I get warm, heated (HG aligned with verbal), body turns hot, BP rises and everything becomes red, I feel nervous. At time I feel that inside something is happening.

(As the patient is not being able to give the whole experience, we dissociate the patient by asking him to tell about the whole thing, by closing his eyes and seeing the whole thing as a third observer, as abstract as possible. The technique of dissociation will help to make the non human journey smooth.)


D: Close your eyes and feel that feeling and tell me as abstract as possible.

P: I am unable to express, it remains inside. Warm up from inside.

D: Remains inside?

P: I don't know pressure or what, it feels hot inside, if I shout, and I can't come down immediately. Body vibrates, it is not a feeling of insecurity but a feeling of defeat and I accept that.

(Here the patient connects the heat and inability to express from the passive. That helps us to know that our focus is correct. However we need to take the patient away from his situations, conscious talk, so that he will give us the whole process.)

D: Tell me more about this feeling, goes on accumulating inside.

P: It gets inside, lot of things accumulate inside, as if getting deposited, unable to resolve. Then I feel nervous and then I go inside the shell.

D: You go inside a shell, I did not understand.

P: I can't counter it, your message goes inside me but I can't say you are not correct, I am correct; I am not able to communicate at that time. I absorb everything inside me. Because I am not able to counter your message it has gone inside me. But I can't express, can't give you my reasoning. It remains in me, its building over years and years.

(Even now the patient gives his reaction to this inner experience like going inside the shell. We need to further dissociate the patient.)

D: More about this feeling of I absorb everything inside me. I have understood where it happens, why it happens. But exactly what happens?

P: I take things inside, it's getting churned, it remains inside, if I can't convince you, I keep it with myself. That time I feel my eyes are getting red and I am soft spoken. I prefer to be silent. You know I decide to let it go inside, don't burst. I have a fear that if I give any advice and if people don't listen then I will feel bad.

(As physical changes experienced by the patient come up, we know for sure that now the patient is talking about the vital experience which is at level beyond the mind and the body where both are connected.)

D: Accumulating, absorbed, building up inside, with all this, what do you experience inside you?

P: Accumulating it remains inside, goes on remaining and since amount of accumulating is restricted. It can't accumulate more than a limit. If it is in excess then things come out forcefully.

D: Just this thing, be with it.

P: It cannot accumulate infinitely. It stores till a limit and then beyond limit it cannot store, it has to overflow.

D: It can't remain inside, if it remains inside then what will happen?

P: It will remain inside, keep on accumulating on that area, it keeps building up, and then it may burst one time, because there is no outlet, especially the system

D: Give me an example.

P: Input- anything comes in a system, in a vessel there is limit till it can take in, if an outlet is there by which you can throw some things out then the system remains still. In my case every time I accumulate things, there is no outlet. I can't vent out things. It can reserve some part of amount & time, but beyond that it cannot hold, it is supposed to come out if all areas are closed. Like if you design a container for holding pressure, if not designed well then it will burst (HG) if it is beyond the pressure then the system will burst.

D: Describe bursting.

P: It is trying to come out, but there is no out let, in my case there is no outlet. In my case bursting has not come as yet.

(We try to understand bursting because even that is part of the whole process.)

D: Describe "bursting" just this word.

P: Unable to hold in the place in which it is kept, it will come out, suddenly come out. If leaky it will slowly start bursting and then it will suddenly come out without giving any notice. If I look back, in these 7-8 yrs every time I have accumulated things. There was no outlet, so building up; this is an indication of my bursting. Not getting so much importance, hence I feel inferiority complex. Deterioration is fast, and energy level is coming down.

(After giving the whole experience, here the patient connects it to his whole life. Also here the whole circle gets complete as here the patient talks about his energy levels from where the case had begun. )



Out of place, out of order in passive:

  • Everything is coming together (HG of closed fist.) My health is getting deteriorated I feel, so this is the prima foci.
  • When there is less load of work at that time I get nervous (HG.)
  • Burning is also there, like heat coming out (HG aligned with verbal language). Sometimes I feel slight palpitations when I am nervous, that time it's like a pressure going up at that time
  • I don't revolt. I absorb it within myself and I am not out spoken even in my family. If situations come then I just absorb it.
  • Lot of stress is coming inside me, maybe it is accumulating because I am unable to express or give it back. Due to this I think stresses are building in my system.
  • (HG of building up) its starts building in my system,
  • When there is less work that time stress builds up. Off late stress, tension all this is building up due to work pressure.
  • It goes on building in.
  • Out of place, out of order in active:
  • It is just absorbing inside. I feel nervous
  • I can't take it, can't tell or speak it out, and can't revolt. I don't know what will happen if I revolt but that time my BP goes up. I am unable to express.
  • Out of place, out of order in active-active:
  • I get a burning sensation, am unable to tell anything.
  • I absorb myself. But still it goes on building inside (HG aligned with verbal language).
  • It goes on building up
  • That time I get warm, heated (HG aligned with verbal), body turns hot, BP rises and everything becomes red, I feel nervous. At time I feel that inside something is happening.
  • I don't know pressure or what, it feels hot inside
  • It gets inside, lot of things accumulate inside, as if getting deposited.
  • Then I feel nervous and then I go inside the shell.
  • I absorb everything inside me.
  • Its building over years,
  • Accumulating it remains inside, goes on remaining and since amount of accumulating is restricted. It can't accumulate more than a limit. If it is in excess then things come out forcefully
  • It cannot accumulate infinitely. It stores till a limit and then beyond limit it cannot store, it has to overflow. Since I can't put it out, so it is all remaining inside me continuously
  • It will remain inside, keep on accumulating on that area, it keeps building up, and then it may burst one time, because there is no outlet,
  • Input- anything comes in a system, in a vessel there is limit till it can take in, if an outlet is there by which you can throw some things out then the system remains still.
  • In my case every time I accumulated, there is no outlet. I can't vent out things
  • Beyond that it cannot hold, it is supposed to come out if all areas are closed.
  • It is trying to come out, but there is no out let, in my case there is no outlet. In my case bursting has not come as yet.
  • If I look back, in these 7-8 yrs every time I have accumulated things. There was no outlet, so building up; this is an indication of my bursting. Not getting so much importance, hence I feel inferiority complex. Deterioration is fast, and energy level is coming down.

Focus of the case:

Building Up Inside, Accumulating, Not Coming Out

  • Everything is coming together (HG of closed fist.)
  • Burning is also there, like heat coming out (HG aligned with verbal language)
  • I try to absorb it within me.
  • (HG of building up) its starts building in my system,
  • I absorb myself. But still it goes on building inside (HG aligned with verbal language).
  • It goes on building up
  • It gets inside, lot of things accumulate inside, as if getting deposited.
  • I absorb everything inside me.
  • Accumulating it remains inside, goes on remaining and since amount of accumulating is restricted. It can't accumulate more than a limit. If it is in excess then things come out forcefully
  • It will remain inside, keep on accumulating on that area, it keeps building up, and then it may burst one time, because there is no outlet,
  • Input- anything comes in a system, in a vessel there is limit till it can take in, if an outlet is there by which you can throw some things out then the system remains still.
  • In my case every time I accumulated, there is no outlet. I can't vent out things
  • Unable to hold in the place in which it is kept, it will come out, suddenly come out. If leaky it will slowly start bursting and then it will suddenly come out without giving any notice.
  • If I look back, in these 7-8 yrs every time I have accumulated things. There was no outlet, so building up; this is an indication of my bursting.


Mineral Kingdom

  • The language is Mineralistic.
  • My health is getting deteriorated I feel, so this is the prima foci.
  • When there is less load of work at that time I get nervous (HG.)
  • I am unable to express.
  • I get a burning sensation, am unable to tell anything. I absorb myself. But still it goes on building inside
  • Then I feel nervous and then I go inside the shell.
  • Accumulating it remains inside, goes on remaining and since amount of accumulating is restricted. It can't accumulate more than a limit. If it is in excess then things come out forcefully
  • It cannot accumulate infinitely. It stores till a limit and then beyond limit it cannot store, it has to overflow. Since I can't put it out, so it is all remaining inside me continuously
  • It is trying to come out, but there is no out let, in my case there is no outlet. In my case bursting has not come as yet.
  • Unable to hold in the place in which it is kept, it will come out, suddenly come out. If leaky it will slowly start bursting and then it will suddenly come out without giving any notice.


Hekla lava

  • Everything is coming together (HG of closed fist.)
  • When there is less load of work at that time I get nervous (HG.)
  • Burning is also there, like heat coming out (HG aligned with verbal language).
  • I try to absorb it within me.
  • Lot of stress is coming inside me, maybe it is accumulating because I am unable to express or give it back. Due to this I think stresses are building in my system.
  • (HG of building up) its starts building in my system,
  • I absorb myself. But still it goes on building inside (HG aligned with verbal language).
  • I don't know pressure or what, it feels hot inside
  • That time I get warm, heated (HG aligned with verbal), body turns hot, BP rises and everything becomes red, I feel nervous. At time I feel that inside something is happening.
  • Accumulating it remains inside, goes on remaining and since amount of accumulating is restricted. It can't accumulate more than a limit. If it is in excess then things come out forcefully
  • It cannot accumulate infinitely. It stores till a limit and then beyond limit it cannot store, it has to overflow. Since I can't put it out, so it is all remaining inside me continuously
  • Input- anything comes in a system, in a vessel there is limit till it can take in, if an outlet is there by which you can throw some things out then the system remains still.
  • Like if you design a container for holding pressure, if not designed well then it will burst (HG) if it is beyond the pressure then the system will burst.
  • It is trying to come out, but there is no out let, in my case there is no outlet. In my case bursting has not come as yet.
  • Unable to hold in the place in which it is kept, it will come out, suddenly come out. If leaky it will slowly start bursting and then it will suddenly come out without giving any notice.
  • If I look back, in these 7-8 yrs every time I have accumulated things. There was no outlet, so building up; this is an indication of my bursting. Not getting so much importance, hence I feel inferiority complex. Deterioration is fast, and energy level is coming down.

Materia medica of Hekla lava:

  • Intense nervousness.
  • Outburst of anger.
  • Very calm and poised person, but when provoked burst anger.
  • Highly sensitive to admonitions and others opinions. (Silica is one of the constituent of Hekla lava present in high amounts about 52-63%)
  • Suppressed anger.
  • Volcano's look gentle/calm but when eruption there is total burst with violence



Patient experiences the focus at a general level so 30 to MM, and is living his day to day experiences at the level of delusion, so 1M

Final remedy:


Themes of a volcano:

A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet's surface or crust, which allows hot magma, ash and gases to escape from below the surface. The word volcano is derived from the name of Volcano Island off Sicily which in turn, was named after Vulcan, the Roman God of fire.

The most common perception of a volcano is of a conical mountain, spewing lava and poisonous gases from a crater at its summit. This describes just one of many types of volcano.

One of the ways of classifying volcanoes is by the composition of material erupted (lava), since this affects the shape of the volcano. Lava can be broadly classified into 4 different compositions:

  • If the erupted magma contains a high percentage (>63%) of silica, the lava is called felsic.
  • If the erupted magma contains 52–63% silica, the lava is of intermediate composition.
  • If the erupted magma contains <52% and >45% silica, the lava is called mafic (because it contains higher percentages of magnesium (Mg) and iron (Fe)) or basaltic.
  • Some erupted magmas contain < or = 45% silica and produce ultramafic lava. Ultramafic flows, also known as komatiites, are very rare

Summary of follow ups:

In the first follow up after the medicine was given, the patient felt well than before as there was no choking up episodes. However the tiredness, low energy levels persisted. The feeling of pressure, nervousness was much better. After a month, there was a lot of work stress that the patient was going through. Low energy levels persisted. BP was however in control. His whole state of pressure, building up, accumulating the stress inside was aggravated with the situation. One dose was repeated for that. After a month, episodes of choking up and breathlessness came up again. The stress at work was even more and with that he felt nervous. The whole state of Hekla lava was still there and so he was given one dose again.

After 6 months of starting the treatment, the breathlessness and choking spells again reduced. The stress at work was there, however patient could cope better with the stress. BP was normal. Also the symptoms of dribbling of urine and leakage had ameliorated. Overall energy levels of the patient were better. The patient was given placebo.

After a year of starting treatment, the patient was much better in each and every aspect. The stress at work did not bother him much. The chief complaints of choking spells, hypertension and leakage of urine were all better. Post void urine volume was within normal range. The whole state of nervousness, building and accumulating things was better. The patient could now express things in a better way; he was more communicative and expressive about his inner feelings. Thus overall after a year the patient was much better physically, mentally and holistically.


The most important objective of the case witnessing process is to understand the patient at the holistic level. At the holistic level, the whole process of his altered pattern comes up in form of hand gestures and non human language. In this case the patient resonated at a higher level of experience but was too much in touch with his day to day situations. At this time the patient was dissociated from his conscious self. This helped to make the active-active journey very smooth. Dissociation technique helps the patient to move from the "why", "when", "where" etc. etc. and focus on the "what" of the whole altered experience.



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