Case Taking with Dr Dinesh Chauhan
Learn How to Make Case Taking Fast, Simple, Scientific and Easy Process
Grab your new book copy

The Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy Author: Dr. Dinesh Chauhan and KhumariPublished by: Philosia Publications Dimension (In Inches): 210x140 mm, Hard Bound. Pages: 330 CLICK TO BUY
ABJF Webinar 25-26 June 2022
🙃Do we really know Arnica?🤓 We know Apocynum, cundurango but what about Alstonia, Calotropis, Swertia chirata and many more hidden gems can we reach their holistic understandings and replicate in our prescriptions? 🧐Is cundurango really a stomach cancer remedy?
Little Pills For Little Ones Part-2
On Zoom ( Recording will be Available)27-29, May 2022 BOOK YOUR SEAT NOW
28-29 May, 2022, Webinar, Hungary
On 28-29 May Hungarian homeopaths can get acquainted with the special case admission methods of the Indian master for better half of the brain.The method of advanced spirit is applied all over the world.Details and application:
1-3 April, 2022, Webinar, Portuguese, Brazil
Join the webinar on Portuguese with Dr. Dinesh Chauhan "Integrative holistic approach in child-centric case witnessing the process and a NEW concept of “Right brain approach in homeopathy and case witnessing process"
New, little fellow O-micron: A Friend or a Foe?
This article is based on the PRESENT, PREDOMINANT, PANDEMIC going on; we hope this helps you and could become your stress buster! It will focus on new, little fellow ‘’o-micron’’, so let’s ride through it!
Live Webinar - The Art of Casetaking in Children -…
4 - 5 December 2021, The Webinar will be simultaneously translated into DE Register now! The Art of Casetaking in Children - Essential Tools and Individual Approaches
Books by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan

New Integrative Holistic Multidimensional Approach

Case Witnessing Process
(3 steps of everything)

Thus Spoke the Plants
(Schema and Master Key)
The Integrative Holistic Multidimensional Approach by Dr. Chauhan used in understanding the remedy, tribe, family, subfamily, higher order, class by deriving the MASTER KEY of each remedy, tribe, family, subfamily, class.

Right Brain Approach

Holistic Healing Awareness

Join Live Seminar Worldwide
Take the opportunity to learn with Dr. Dinesh Chauhan and understand his concepts through live seminars, online webinars and video courses.

Book your appointment
You can Book yourself a first-time new case appointment in a systematic guided way in your preferred clinic type available @ swasthya

Designer Diary
It becomes important to anchor these scattered peculiar expressions of our being, note and document them and most importantly not to lose them.

Online Courses
Learning these concepts in your own unconditional, individual space. Upcoming course: Integrative Holistic Approach in understanding the Plant Kingdom

Your Thursday with Dr. Chauhan

Understand the above concepts deeper and clearly, through our books we make learning easy for you as these books are available in your own language as well.
Thus Spoke the Plants
Is it possible that holistic understanding upon Remedies Families and Higher orders get derived first from existing materia medica, repertory and proving and is connected with their source language and thematic work to get AN INTEGRATIVE ALL INCLUSIVE HOLISTIC understanding upon them? Have you ever thought about CONNECTING CLASSICAL (material medica, repertory, proving) knowledge upon the remedies from the plant kingdom WITH NEW AGE approaches from the masters?
Did you know EXCITEMENT is a key aspect for Belladona/Hyoscamus /Stramoniam/Tabacum/etc from Solanaceae?
Did you know Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Mandragora, Fabiana, Dulcamara, Solanum & Tabacum have different peculiar master keys besides shared known vital sensation of Solanaceae?
Тhe 4th Step Application
A platform where you can express, observe, learn, contribute in the most intuitive way, effortlessly in the form of casebook, discussions, meri kitab, photosophy, philogag, story space, dialog, art to heal. Where the left brain classical Homoeopathy and the right brain intuitive similimum field study comes together.
The long churning dream of Dr. Micheal ignited by the visionary Dr. Dinesh Chauhan, the inspiration of holistic integration of art and science has been the workforce while developing this app and we are delighted to bring you forth as we take a step forward into the 4th dimension in the form of our 4th step App. Read more ...
Walk the Talk through Cases

Child-Centric Case Witnessing Process
A unique competition was held between a hefty wrestler and a small child. In the competition the wrestler was supposed to completely imitate the child and do everything that his little competitor did. The wrestler should run if the child ran, play as the child did, make faces like him, say what he said, and do exactly what he did. And guess what?